
Shhhhh, it's a secret! {Mystery Readers}

Mystery Readers can be parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or anyone else that is a special part of students' lives.  They secretly sign up to come in and read a story to the class.  They also send in five clues that we read the week of their visit - one clue per day.  The clues start off rather vague and become more "revealing" until Friday's clue reveals the Mystery Reader's identity.  The kids love having their family members visit!

***This is NOT my original idea.  I found it on Beth Newingham's website and altered it to fit my classroom.  You can visit her site by clicking HERE.  

Click HERE to download parent letter, sign up sheets, & sample clues!

I saw this idea on ProTeacher a few years ago and made my own so it would match my classroom.  

On Monday, I write the five clues on sticky notes and place them under the corresponding books.  The Mystery Reader's name goes on a sticky note under the question mark.  I used Velcro dots to attach the books to the poster board.  We read Clue #1 on Monday, Clue #2 on Tuesday, and so on.  Then on Friday after reading the fifth clue (and the kids have {hopefully} figured out who it is) we take off the question mark to see if we're right! :)  They love it!

Download the pieces below to make your own poster!  

Click HERE to download!

Click HERE to download all five books!

If this is your original idea, or you know who thought of it, please let me know so I can give them credit for being my inspiration. :)

P.S. I can't believe I only have 2 more *days* of summer vacation!!!


Anonymous said... 1

Cute! I also do Mystery Readers!The kids love it! You reminded of one more letter that I need to have ready for Open House :-)
Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten

Unknown said... 2

That's a great idea and I love your bulletin board. I'll have to try this in my classroom.

Swimming into Second

Tessa said... 3

I can't seem to get the parent letter to open up. Is it just me? This is such a cute idea!
Spotlight on Kindergarten

Mrs. D said... 4

Tessa, you should be able to open it now. I forgot to add the link! Thanks for letting me know! :)

Dianna said... 5

love it! When I student taught, my mentor teacher did this with kinders. It was soo fun! :) Thanks for sharing.


Christine said... 6

Love this idea! Thanks for the great printables!



Sarah Adams said... 7

This is awesome! I only teach language arts so this is perfect for my class! Thank you ! And thanks for becoming a follower of my blog!


Unknown said... 8

Love these, thanks for sharing!

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